Monday, 1 June 2015

Final Report - Draft Part I

As part of the project, I have to complete a final report in a number of sections. The report is due in July, and I thought I would post up the different sections, and ask for comments or suggestions.

Project aims and objectives (max. 200 words)
Please use the table below to provide information on the intended aims and objectives of your project (the ones stated in your project proposal) and the aims and objectives that have been achieved.

Intended aims and objectives
(These were set out in the project bid)
Achieved in full?
Widen pool of expertise among academic staff
Before starting on this project, only two of the law division staff had experience of designing and delivering online content. As a result of the project, more staff have had experience of online delivery, albeit at arm’s length, rather than hands on.
Assess suitability of MOOC elements for “traditionally-delivered” modules
The different elements of ILOOC were investigated by the project team and the students to assess viability within the context of a standard module. The majority of the elements were suitable – many resemble the tope of e-tivity developed elsewhere, and it is the “Online” part of MOOC that is the relevant factor, and others lend themselves to the “Open” aspect of MOOCs.
Improve student experience
Prior to this project, none of the students on the module had had any experience of online delivery and online learning. As a result of the project, all the students have had the opportunity to engage with and design online learning and about half of them took up the opportunity. Their experience is thus wider than it was, and this can only be an improvement.

This uses 190 words of my 200-word allocation, so there is little opportunity to say a great deal more.
If you are reading this and also saw my paper (either at the SLSA Conference in Warwick or the ILT Conference at Northampton), then I would welcome additional feedback.

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